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Server Info: [?] Apache
PHP Version: [?] 5.6.22. WordPress recommendation: 7.2 or above. See WordPress Requirements for details.
PHP Post Max Size: [?] 50 MB
PHP Time Limit: [?]
30 - We recommend setting max execution time to at least 180.
See: Increasing max execution to PHP
PHP Max Input Vars: [?] 6000
SUHOSIN Installed: [?] –
ZipArchive: [?]
ZipArchive is not installed on your server, but is required if you need to import demo content.
MySQL Version: [?] 5.5.5
Max Upload Size: [?] 50 MB
DOMDocument: [?] ✔
WP Remote Get: [?] ✔
WP Remote Post: [?] ✔
GD Library: [?] 2.1.1